Prison Penpal Steven Maier

Steven Maier

Steven is 43 and incarcerated in the US (MI).

Meet StevenMore about StevenContact InformationSentence Information

Hello, my name is Steve, I’m 43 years. old. I am a lifer. I’d characterize my life as learning to evolve emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually within an involuted ocean with samsaric currents. I’ve learned a lot about the nervous system by excitable fight or flight mechanisms. Meditation into jhana states clears my mind and is peaceful. I think of it like passing through an event horizon, absorption into something pure. I have learned a lot about impulse control, how compulsive behavior is formed, and trauma influences everything. I’ve learned how perception can be formed and how the lens in which I see the world has changed.
I’ve changed the most through raising, caring for, and training animals. Providing the needs for care, affection, love, developing trust and feelings of security, to me, is extraordinarily healing. I believe this is what helps sentient life evolve, and how negative are dissolved. The more empathically I develop, the deeper, stronger, more merged I find myself with sentient life and this rapport (after everything comes together) develops through this bond with life, has impacted me deeply and is just sacred.
I’ve experienced deep sorrow and grief of connections leaving my life. I have even deeper sadness and remorse for the crimes I’ve committed. I devastatingly regret everyday what I have taken away and the negative imprints I’ve made upon my victim’s family. I understand what deeply makes life valuable and meaningful.
I feel most miss out on empathic connections and what can be realized through this deeper bond. I think it’s all just opinions, perception, and anthropomorphism without it. Most of my life I’ve felt disregarded as someone’s negative opinion and bias, or as a numbered unit with no inner value, and treated as an interchangeable part or asset of no personal interest, nonperson that doesn’t experience suffering.
I am looking for positive connections, with compassion, understanding, and spiritual people who will look into my life and possibly choose to build a consistent friendship with me.
I would be grateful to hear from you through setting up a Jpay account to email me.
Thanks for reading!

Date of Birth: 09/26/1980 (43 years old)
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: White
Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6 ft. 3 in.
Body Type: Athletic
Hometown: Garden City, Michigan (USA)
Spoken Languages: English
Religion: Spiritual
Astrological Sign: Libra

Profile will end on: 07/28/2025

Steven Maier #472001

Muskegon Correctional Facility
2400 S. Sheridan Drive
Muskegon, MI 49442

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@ Prison Email System: JPay

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Willing to write abroad: Yes

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Incarcerated Since: 2022
Sentence Received: Life Without Parole
Earliest Release: N/A

Click here to see the conviction(s)

Assault with Intent to Commit Murder
Homicide (x2)
Felony Firearms

All information disclosed in this profile was submitted by the inmate and verified by Wire of Hope to the best extent possible with the search engines available online. The list of convictions disclosed in this profile does not reflect the entire criminal history of the inmate; only the conviction(s) for the current incarceration. To verify and/or get more information about the inmate’s offenses, feel free to use the inmate locators online or to reach out to their prison administration (more information here). Further details about criminal cases can sometimes be found on Google (enter the name of the inmate with their location).
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