Prison PenPal Tristan Kilde

Tristan Kilde

Tristan is 28 and incarcerated in the US (MN).

Meet TristanMore about TristanContact InformationSentence Information

Thank you for stopping by my profile! I’m just a country boy looking for some friends, will that be you? If you’d like to laugh and smile like I do, you stopped by the right place. Life isn’t life without a little bit of fun!

Writing this is something new to me, but having been locked up since 2019, I decided to give it a shot. I’d like to learn everything about a person that there is to know, what gets you going, what your dream job is, the goals you have in life, if you’re a dog person or not. There are so many questions to ask. The big one is, are you down for it?

My prison life is pretty simple. I work an overnight shift folding and packaging balloons. Yeah, you read that right. Us inmates fold balloons. It took me by surprise when I found out. I work from 10pm to 5.30am Sunday through Thursday.

Exercise? Disgusting. I’m kidding. I actually spend quite a bit of time outside. I’m outside right now as I write this. We have a patio here and three big yards to be out on for quite a few hours a day. There really is no reason to not get fresh air here.

I have a couple of hobbies that I’ve picked up while locked up. Beading and crocheting. I prefer to bead necklaces, but I also bead medallions to go with the necklace, big or small like I’ve beaded it all. When I crochet, I enjoy making blankets and hats. The repetition of both beading and crocheting is nice because you can just let your mind melt into the task.

This is my first time writing something like this. As I said, I’ve really enjoyed it, but sadly all good things must come to an end. Thank you for spending the time to read this and I hope to hear from you.

Date of Birth: 01/04/1996 (28 years old)
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: White
Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Body Type: Average
Hometown: Bemidji, Minnesota (USA)
Spoken Languages: English
Religion: Christian
Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Profile will end on: 08/31/2026

Tristan Kilde #262804

MCF Faribault, Minnesota
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

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Willing to write abroad: Yes

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Incarcerated Since: 2019
Sentence Received: 18 years
Earliest Release: 2031

Click here to see the conviction(s)

2nd Degree Murder while Committing 2nd Degree Assault

All information disclosed in this profile was submitted by the inmate and verified by Wire of Hope to the best extent possible with the search engines available online. The list of convictions disclosed in this profile does not reflect the entire criminal history of the inmate; only the conviction(s) for the current incarceration. To verify and/or get more information about the inmate’s offenses, feel free to use the inmate locators online or to reach out to their prison administration (more information here). Further details about criminal cases can sometimes be found on Google (enter the name of the inmate with their location).
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