• Prison PenPal Anthony Johnson

    Anthony Johnson

    Anthony is 58 and incarcerated in the US (SC)."Anthony Johnson, PhD. POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH SCHOLAR IN OFFERING. TECHNOLOGY & ENTERPRISE EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE (UK). LinkedIn.com: Dr. Anthony Johnson, PhD. I am pleased to announced that I have submitted an application for admission to the University of Bedfordshire (UK), as a postdoctoral research scholar to study Technology & Enterprise Education, in efforts to…

  • Prison PenPal Pedro Caraballo-Martinez

    Pedro Caraballo-Martinez

    Pedro is 45 and incarcerated in the US (SC)."I am federal prisoner #60136-004. Sometimes, still, more than two decades after being assigned this permanent replacement for my previous identity, the impossible truth of it hits me hard. If you knew the man I know myself in my heart to be, you would understand why that is. I committed a crime…