• Derek Schroeder

    Derek is 34 and incarcerated in the US (SC)."Attention artists and music lovers! Intellects and lonely, beautiful people. I've recently picked up some colored pencils and decided to draw. I have completed drawing, card making, and oil painting classes. I am planning on taking the other art classes available. I am also signed up for psychology classes as I grow…

  • Prison PenPal Anthony Johnson

    Anthony Johnson

    Anthony is 58 and incarcerated in the US (SC)."Anthony Johnson, PhD. POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH SCHOLAR IN OFFERING. TECHNOLOGY & ENTERPRISE EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE (UK). LinkedIn.com: Dr. Anthony Johnson, PhD. I am pleased to announced that I have submitted an application for admission to the University of Bedfordshire (UK), as a postdoctoral research scholar to study Technology & Enterprise Education, in efforts to…

  • Prison PenPal Pedro Caraballo-Martinez

    Pedro Caraballo-Martinez

    Pedro is 45 and incarcerated in the US (SC)."I am federal prisoner #60136-004. Sometimes, still, more than two decades after being assigned this permanent replacement for my previous identity, the impossible truth of it hits me hard. If you knew the man I know myself in my heart to be, you would understand why that is. I committed a crime…