Kamaal Thompson

Kamaal is 48 and incarcerated in the US (VA).

Meet KammalMore about KammalContact InformationSentence Information

Hello, my name is Kamaal Thompson. I am 48 years of age. I was born in Brooklyn, New York, and I moved to Richmond, Virginia at the tender age of 14. I am 5’11” and I weigh 210 lbs. My height goes with my weight. I am not fat, not skinny, but medium built. I am a Black male with thick eyebrows and brown eyes. Also, my hair is in twists. I will be getting dreads soon. I have a thin beard and a thin mustache. My birthday is 8/29/75; I share the same birthday as the late Michael Jackson, who was the greatest entertainer of all time.
I have two adult children. My son is 30 years of age and his name is Archie. My daughter is 21 years of age and her name is Kamaya. They have the same mother, but their mother and I are no longer together.
Things I like to do while I am incarcerated: I like to watch TV, especially sports, reality shows, movies, true crime, the news, and Christian services. I like to browse the kiosk for music and to check my emails and to send emails to my family and friends. I also like talking on the phone. I like writing letters and poems. I like playing basketball, volleyball, softball, and soccer. I also like lifting weights and exercising.
I work at the tag plant pressing license plates Mon-Fri 7 AM-3 PM. I make $0.90 an hour. I have been working at the tag plant since 6/2016.
I used to be the lead man on the fastest press in the tag plant but due to certain circumstances, I decided to step down and move to the second fastest press in the tag plant. Earlier, I stated I make $0.90 an hour. I get paid once a month with 40 hours a week, so you can definitely guess how much I make a month. Lastly, you can get in contact with me by calling me at 1-804-902-2863. Also, you can go to JPay.com – Kamaal Thompson 1284681, Beaumont Correctional Center, Beaumont, Virginia.

Date of Birth: 08/29/1975 (48 years old)
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: Black or African American
Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Body Type: Average
Hometown: Beaumont, Virginia (USA)
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish
Religion: Baptist
Astrological Sign: Virgo

Profile will end on: 09/06/2025

Kamaal Thompson #1284681

Beaumont Correctional Center
P.O. Box 491
Beaumont, VA, 23014

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@ Prison Email System: JPay

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Willing to write abroad: Yes

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Incarcerated Since: 2010
Sentence Received: 15 years
Earliest Release: 2025

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All information disclosed in this profile was submitted by the inmate and verified by Wire of Hope to the best extent possible with the search engines available online. The list of convictions disclosed in this profile does not reflect the entire criminal history of the inmate; only the conviction(s) for the current incarceration. To verify and/or get more information about the inmate’s offenses, feel free to use the inmate locators online or to reach out to their prison administration (more information here). Further details about criminal cases can sometimes be found on Google (enter the name of the inmate with their location).
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