Mentwell is 55 and incarcerated in the US (MI).
My name is Mentwell Spivey, but everybody calls me “Shawn”. I was only 21 years old when I was incarcerated. I’m 55 years old now, but I look the age of a 41-year-old man. I love to cook and bake anything you can think of, I like to work out from time to time. I like to make some of the most beautiful gifts that any woman would love to appreciate. A down to earth man, who is willing to listen and understand the pain, problems and needs of other people. Only to help bring forth comfort and a peaceful state of mind. I’m looking for a true and real love, but all friendships are accepted. I’m looking for someone to make me happy mentally, spiritually and physically. And I’m looking forward to doing the same for them. I’m looking for a good woman who can complete me and give me balance in my life. As we begin to build a friendship or even a relationship, I want you to be my best friend next to God. I understand that a woman is the helping hands and God’s gift to man! I just hope and pray that you’re what l’ve been looking for. You can write to me through, or write to me directly.
Mentwell Spivey #211446
• Date of Birth: 08/13/1968 (55 years old)
• Gender: Male
• Marital Status: Single
• Sexual Orientation: Straight
• Race: Multi-Racial
• Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino
• Eye Color: Brown
• Hair Color: Black
• Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
• Body Type: N/A
• Hometown: Detroit, Michigan (USA)
• Spoken Languages: English
• Religion: Christian
• Astrological Sign: Leo
Profile will end on: 03/08/2026
Mentwell Spivey #211446
Chippewa Correctional Facility
4269 West M-80
Kincheloe, MI 49784
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• Incarcerated Since: 1990
• Sentence Received: Life
• Earliest Release: N/A