Prison PenPal Pedro Caraballo-Martinez

Pedro Caraballo-Martinez

Pedro is 45 and incarcerated in the US (SC).

Meet PedroDreams & Goals by PedroResumePoem by PedroCompassionate Release ProfileMore about PedroContact InformationSentence Information

I am federal prisoner #60136-004.

Sometimes, still, more than two decades after being assigned this permanent replacement for my previous identity, the impossible truth of it hits me hard. If you knew the man I know myself in my heart to be, you would understand why that is. I committed a crime that will shame me in my most private moments for all the rest of my life. I did it when I was young, just turned 20 years old, and I stupidly did it because I was ignorant, immature and not man enough. My choice. My responsibility. I only have myself to blame, and that’s why the burden of it is mine to bear.

I am serving a life sentence for my role in a kidnapping and carjacking, crimes that deserved to be, that needed to be, punished… but proportionately, like all crimes should. After my arrest, I compounded the error of my original and unforgivable bad judgment, by choosing to go to trial when I should have recognized and accepted the full responsibility of my egregious actions. What I participated in was unconscionable. I failed to take responsibility for my actions. I was wrong. The court saw me as a man; but inside I was a boy, a confused and frightened one, a student with a good job who had never committed any other crime. I received the highest possible offenses, with the highest possible sentence… Now I am confined here for the remaining years of my natural life. One of my co-defendants that pled guilty received 23 years, my sentence would be 35 years longer if I die at the average age of 78. The average sentence in federal courts for murder, in one recent available data was 291 months nationally (24 years), my crime did not involve death, and you have some people that have proven themselves dedicated to committing a lifetime of crimes get released, or have a day to go home.

I am responsible for the serious crime done to an innocent family in the year 1999. I committed a terrible crime, there are no excuses, I messed up. My criminal actions are unacceptable in society. I totally failed as a human being. I am sorry and embarrassed for all the harm that I caused to the victims, their family and the community. I understand that I put them through their worst time in their life, they did not deserve it. I wish this would have never happened. I cannot undo the irreparable pain and trauma they suffered. I take full responsibility for my criminal behavior. It will not happen again. I need to own my past, to be able to own my future. I have stared countless time at the ceiling of my cell, forming and reforming the words of a perfect apology and allowing myself to dream of having the opportunity to offer it to the people who were hurt by my crime.

I would not be able to compensate the victims for my criminal behavior, or repair the damage I caused. I have been making indirect amends, working towards redemption by selfless acts, such as taking part in volunteer work. Teaching others art, the financial market and about the Bible. Creating and donating artwork for charities. I’ve worked hard all these years to give back to society as a whole. My living amends is the best way to show others and myself that I have changed to become a better person than I used to be. I am making a life-long promise to myself and all those that I have hurt that I discarded any criminal behavior. I do not have any room for errors. My wrongful act was the worst decision ever of my life and totally selfish, now I act more according to love. I don’t want to be defined just by my crime. I yearn for the opportunity to atone and pay society back with genuinely positive contributions for the good of all. I want to use my experience to help others, to work with organizations to help prevent crimes. I will always feel in debt to society.

I am committed to continually working to better myself while in prison and preparing to reenter society. When I am not working my assigned institutional job, I spend most of my time educating myself, whether it is by taking institutional courses, trying to learn a new language, studying the Bible. Since 2005 I have been spending my time learning about art and the financial markets. Some people think that my intense work regime and dedication to all of these things is pretty crazy, but following it is all about proving to myself, if not anyone else, that I am someone other than my crime would suggest. I desire to be as prepared as I can be to earn a second chance and a living in society.

I am no longer a threat to society, and it cost around $50,000 a year to the American tax payer to keep me in prison. Should a young man necessarily have to suffer for the rest of his life and die in prison for his worst mistake? For the past 25 years | remained crime free, having a good conduct, based on this I ask for your trust again. America is the land of second chances and I hope you find me deserving of one. I beg for mercy and forgiveness. This time I will be a man.

I am called prisoner #60136-004 but that is not who I am. I am Pedro R. Caraballo, a human being with a forever weight on his conscience and a dream in his heart to finish as the man he was meant to be.

On the photograph/artwork section you can find examples of my paintings, look for my Curriculum Vitae, a more in-photos account of my story and other pieces, like my poem.

I will be seeking a compassionate release, a reduction of my life sentence that would reunite me with my family, allow me to start a family of my own, and pursue an honest working life based on the skills, job training, and habits I worked so hard to develop.

I am looking for people that would be able to help me in my efforts to earn a second chance in life.

You can help me by:
1. Writing a character letter and/or letter of support explaining what my freedom would mean to you and how you would assist me in transitioning back into society.
2. Finding an attorney that would work on my behalf.
3. Contacting a university or college law clinic, criminal justice reform organizations or advocates that may be able to assist

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, mail me a letter – include your mailing address, email or phone number for me to get back to you.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me.

My True Dreams and Goals in Life:
• To be a free man who contributes to society;
• To spend time with my family, especially my mother, who I have not seen since the year 1996;
• To live a happy and peaceful life close to nature;
• To marry a good woman with whom I can start a family;
• To talk to others about the principles found in the Bible and how applying them can benefit our lives;
• To learn the Italian language, and improve my English to be able to communicate with people better;
• To attend an atelier -an art academy- and one day have a career as an artist in fine art;
• To take online computer and investment courses, get the CMT certification, find a job in a proprietary trading firm and be successful in the financial markets.

How I spend my days in prison:
I maintain a clear record of conduct and stay busy in pursuit of productive self-improvement by following a strict schedule of study activities every day, this includes:
• Doing my assigned institutional job;
• Creating art in oil, acrylic, pastel, graphite pencil and ceramic, studying art from DVDS, and art publications;
• Study of the financial markets from financial publications and the financial channel CNBC;
• Bible study, and talking to others about the Bible;
• A little Italian study;
• A little exercise to maintain my health.

Curriculum Vitae
Pedro Caraballo-Martinez

• Early into incarceration, took responsibility for poor and criminal choices that caused harm to innocent victims, making the firm decision to grow beyond those mistakes and become the kind of man that contributes in a positive, meaningful way to society.
• Tenacious in helping others find healthy paths to stable and positive lifestyles.
• Committed to a rigorous schedule of philanthropic projects in the ongoing pursuit of making amends.
• Continues to maintain an entirely clear record of conduct while pursuing ambitious and benevolent goals.

Artwork donations
From 2009 to present, at a personal cost over $2,000, completed and donated more than 50 paintings to the Savannah Children’s Hospital, other charities, and the Venezuelan Embassy.
In 2019, created a piece entitled “Freedom is Priceless,” intended to discourage criminal thinking
amongst youth in particular. This painting was sold (all proceeds went to charity) and will be used by the
purchaser as part of an initiative to support crime prevention.
• To view artwork samples, visit

Volunteer Teaching and Mentoring
• Regularly mentors inmates who are open to positive change, leading by example to demonstrate that
prison time can be productively used to change a person and their future.
Teaches art, investment fundamentals, and the Bible to inmates who are serious about exploring avenues to comprehensive rehabilitation.

Recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award for contributing to positive programs.
Co-creator of the Make Amends Project, an inmate fundraiser that raised approximately $2,500 in 2017 and 2018 for victims of domestic violence.
Worked with contacts in the community to provide painful personal insights to be used as cautionary tales in youth groups and schools.

2022: Culinary Arts Serve Safe Certification (National Association of Restaurants Educational Foundation) 2017: Culinary Arts Serve Safe Certification (National Association of Restaurants Educational Foundation) 2013: HVAC Certification (Mountain Empire Community College/BOP)
2010: Microsoft Applications Certification (Mountain Empire Community College/BOP)
2008. Sewing Machine Operator Apprenticeship (Virginia Apprenticeship Council/BOP)
2001: Exploratory Aquaculture (Clemson University/BOP)

Rehabilitative Programming:
Voluntarily took and completed over 100 counseling, religious, educational, and art courses. _ Completed all 3 levels of AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project) training to become a qualified facilitator for this internationally recognized organization.

Financial Investment:
Beginning in 2005, undertook a highly committed study of the financial markets with the goal of becoming financially self-sufficient.
To this end, has continued to devote often full-time hours each day to analyzing the markets, an exhaustive study of more than 30 books by the industry’s most respected experts, learning from the financial news channel CNBC, and subscriptions to financial publications.
Build a very modest portfolio for hands-on training purposes, investing token amounts in different companies and mutual funds.
• The above consistent application of time and energy has led to the acquisition of strong technical skills.

Art Studies:
Began art classes in 2005; since then, devoted an average of 25 hours per week to create artwork in different mediums and improving through study of art publications.

Language Studies:
• Continues to hone English fluency while learning Italian.

2021- Present: Art Room Orderly – Bennettsville FCI
• One of five essential full-time orderlies that work 7 days a week at the Recreation Department.
• Assisted in preparing art shows to display inmate art to staff and visitors.
• Assisted in preparing art for the facility’s holiday events and fairs for display to the staff and visitors. 2013-2020: Art Room Orderly – Estill FCI
• Assisted in preparing art shows to display inmate art to staff and visitors.
2004-2012: Sewing Machine Operator – UNICOR/Lee County USP
• Always exceeded quotas, receiving many bonuses and letters for outstanding performance.
• From a shop of 150 workers, solely entrusted by management with special tasks such as training all new operators, reconfiguring workflows for new product launches and creating samples for presentation to potential clients.
2002-2003: Packer/Inventory Management – UNICOR/Edgefield FCI
• Selected to train on the SAP inventory model and promoted to a position responsible for tracking the productivity of each worker on every shift.
2000-2002: Law Library Clerk – FDC Miami & Edgefield FCI
• Provided research assistance to inmates while managing inventory and resources.

Look At Him With New Eyes

A crime and its punishment brought him to his knees but He is more than his worst mistake,
He is redeemable,
He is human.

Remorse shone a light, guiding him
To embrace responsibility for his wrongdoing,
To soar above the chaos of his youth,
To find purpose in atonement.

His has been a long journey
Of awakening his true heart and mind,
Of improving himself to enrich the lives of others,
Of discovering a man ready to contribute to society because…
He is rehabilitated.

He has changed but his sentence has not.
Must he die in prison?

By Pedro Caraballo-Martinez Prisoner # 60136-004

Profile of Prisoner Seeking Compassionate Release/Reduction of Sentence

Name: Pedro Caraballo-Martinez Reg. No. 60136-004
Age: 45 years old
Years in Prison: 25 years, incarcerated Since 1999
Sentence Length: Life imprisonment — Release Date: Not applicable
Name of Outside Contact: Alfonsina Caraballo, sister, her email: Facility Where he is Housed: FCI Bennettsville, South Carolina
District Court Name: United States District Court Southern District of Florida
District Court Case Number: Case No. 00-00001-CR-LENARD

Crime(s) of Conviction: Conspiracy to commit Hostage Taking, Hostage Taking — Title 18, USC sec 1203 Conspiracy to commit Carjacking, Carjacking — Title 18, USC sec 2119 and a Firearm involved in a crime of violence — Title 18 USC sec 924(c)
In the U.S. Sentencing Guideline Amendments of 2023, Amendment 814 revises Section J.B1.13 to allow defendants to file motions for compassionate release when they have: 1) Unusually Long Sentences, 2) Family Circumstances 3) Serious Medical Conditions and 4) Other Reasons. Extraordinary and compelling reasons justify a reduction of his sentence:
• EXCESSIVE SENTENCE: Caraballo-Martinez is currently serving an unusually long sentence.
• FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES: His mother is incapacitated, in urgent need of knee replacement. She cannot walk properly, and lives alone in Venezuela with Caraballo-Martinez’ elderly father who is 79 years old.
• YOUTH: He was 20 years old at the time of the offense. A newly enacted definition establishes that he is now classified as a youth pursuant to the First Step Act of 2018, Section 608 and Miller v. Alabama 567 U.S. 460 (2012).
• REHABILITATION: He has demonstrated extraordinary rehabilitation.
• FIRST TIME OFFENDER: This is his first-time offense which resulted in no deaths, and he has done a significant amount of prison time.
• HUMANITARIAN REASON: He has not seen his parents since the year 1996, and his elderly father is not in the best of health.
• The combination of all these factors justifies a reduction of his life sentence.
• Where he will live and how he will support himself: He will live at parent’s house, and will find a job at a proprietary trading firm, and create art to sell in oil, acrylic, pastel, graphite pencil and ceramic. He has also done the following employment training:
• 2022 and 2017: Culinary Arts – Serve Safe Certification (National Association of Restaurants Education Foundation) 2013: HVAC Certification (Mountain Empire Community College)
• 2013: EPA Certifications Levels 1, 2, & 3 (Mountain Empire Community College)
• 2010: Microsoft Application Certification (Mountain Empire Community College)
• 2008: Sewing Machine Operator Apprenticeship (Virginia Apprenticeship Council)
• 2001: Exploratory Aquaculture (Clemson University)

Date of Birth: 09/19/1979 (45 years old)
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: N/A
Ethnicity: N/A
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Bald
Height: 5 ft. 11 in.
Body Type: Average
Hometown: N/A
Spoken Languages: Spanish, learning English and want to learn Italian
Religion: Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Astrological Sign: N/A

Profile will end on: 06/04/2026

Pedro Caraballo-Martinez #60136-004

FCI Bennettsville
P.O. Box 52020
Bennettsville, SC 29512

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Willing to write abroad: Yes

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Incarcerated Since: 1999
Sentence Received: Life
Earliest Release: N/A

Click here to see the conviction(s)

Hostage Taking
Conspiracy to Commit Hostage Taking
Conspiracy to Commit Crimes Against the US.

All information disclosed in this profile was submitted by the inmate and verified by Wire of Hope to the best extent possible with the search engines available online. The list of convictions disclosed in this profile does not reflect the entire criminal history of the inmate; only the conviction(s) for the current incarceration. To verify and/or get more information about the inmate’s offenses, feel free to use the inmate locators online or to reach out to their prison administration (more information here). Further details about criminal cases can sometimes be found on Google (enter the name of the inmate with their location).
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