Ryan is 42 and incarcerated in the US (GA).

Hey there and thanks for checking out my page. Simply considering getting to know someone who’s in prison speaks volumes about your personality and character. Honestly, I was skeptical when I was first told to try the whole “Penpal Thing”. I think there is easily some reluctance from both sides but for different reasons. But you reach a point where you say, “Why not?” Anyway, I’ll jump right in.
Have you ever met one of those guys who is stubborn as a bull, and thinks he has it all figured out? Yeah, that was me, but prison has a way of forcing you to learn the lessons you have trouble grasping on the outside. I was chasing the wrong things and needed a serious change in perspective. I’ve come to have a firm belief that life is about our relationships with people. As a Christian, God has helped me understand the value of honesty, integrity, loyalty, and transparency.
I hate to admit there was a time when I didn’t prioritize any of these unless it benefited me. Sadly we live in a world where it is becoming increasingly difficult to find these attributes. But that shouldn’t dictate who we are or give excuses to turn inward and shut ourselves off from it. As bad as things that we’ve been through or experienced may be, God created a world that is full of beauty beyond words. That alone is why we should continue to wake up every morning and find reasons to have joy and live life.
With all of that being said, I invite you to open and read the book of “Me”. Let’s encourage one another and share hopes, dreams, goals, bucket lists, or whatever keeps you pushing each day.
Again, thank you for stopping by my profile and I wish you a blessed day.
Ps: Due to some changes by the Georgia DOC, you will need to contact me by letter first.
• Date of Birth: 07/03/1981 (42 years old)
• Gender: Male
• Marital Status: Single
• Sexual Orientation: Straight
• Race: Black or African American
• Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino
• Eye Color: Brown
• Hair Color: Bald
• Height: 5 ft 10 in
• Body Type: Athletic
• Hometown: Fayetteville, Georgia (USA)
• Spoken Languages: English
• Religion: Christian
• Astrological Sign: N/A
Profile will end on: 03/22/2026
Ryan Wilkins #1002727472
Walker State Prison
PO Box 98
Rock Spring, GA 30739
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@ Prison Email System: JPay
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Make sure to always include your mailing address in your first email.
Willing to write abroad: Yes
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You must be at least 18 years old and have read our Terms of Service before contacting an inmate.
• Incarcerated Since: 2018
• Sentence Received: 5 to 11 years
• Earliest Release: 2029