James is 61 and incarcerated in the US (NY).

I appreciate all genuine people, I do not care about the gay or straight thing, because you never know where your next blessing will come from. I am a book nut and am very much into hermetic sciences and new age thinking. I am also the wicca inmate facilitator. I read books to improve myself and communication with other, also personal energies and third eye. I would like to learn about generational wealth, like Leon Howard the Wall Street trapper because I would like to do for others and leave something behind for those I care about. I consider myself to be a good numerologist, I got into this because I wanted to know my granddaughters, that I have never seen them in person.
I read the Bible and am still learning about all other Bibles. I’m a person of strong faith and I do not talk about religion because we are all part of one Universe/God and our only power comes from faith and believing that anything can happen and will! I set small goals for myself and am very giving. I do have a hard time asking for any kind of help but consider trust as something that needs constant building.
Defendant’s Current Status
Defendant has been on psychotropic medication since the day of arrest up to present day and has committed no further acts of violence even while living under the extremely violence of Attica Correctional Facility. Defendant still suffers from Psychogenic Amnesia but it is controlled by being medicated each day.
Defendant has had a documentary done on the uniqueness of his mental health and while many still question his state of mind, it is well known that the State mental Health Unit would not medicate an Incarcerated Individual every day for 22 years, and counting, without proper cause. The documentary is now streaming on Netflix and the show is called “I Am A Killer.” Defendant was not paid to participate in documentary.
Defendant has lost wife, three of his sons have been killed and has not had a family visit in the last 20 years. However, defendant does speak to family on the phone and by e-mails. Defendant has a small fan club from the documentary who also suffers from Psychogenic Amnesia and other on-line church groups as well. Defendant is currently the Attica Mess Hall facilitator and teaches the Food Service class as well as work in the mess hall. Defendant enjoys reading, regression therapy, music and being alone. Defendant does not go to Recreation or participate in group activities and does his best to avoid all negative behaviors. Defendant does not smoke and his dreams are to meet his grandchildren face to face and to finally be free of the system that has controlled most of his life. Should defendant be released (and freed from the system) arrangements are in place for him and his now adult granddaughters to leave NY and never return. Defendant’s future ambition is to help young men out of the life that he has lived.
• Date of Birth: 09/11/1963 (61 years old)
• Gender: Male
• Marital Status: Divorced
• Sexual Orientation: Straight
• Race: Black or African American
• Ethnicity: N/A
• Eye Color: Brown
• Hair Color: Bald
• Height: 5 ft. 10 in.
• Body Type: Average
• Hometown: Rochester, New York (USA)
• Spoken Languages: English
• Religion: N/A
• Astrological Sign: Virgo
Profile will end on: 12/31/2025
James Walker #02B0916
Attica Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 149
Attica, NY 14011
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• Incarcerated Since: 2001
• Sentence Received: Life Without Parole
• Earliest Release: N/A