Prison Penpal Nikki Zinger

Nikki Zinger

Nikki is 59 and incarcerated in the US (AR).

Meet NikkiNikki's PoemMore about NikkiContact InformationSentence Information

My name is Nikki and I would like to share your good and bad days. Learn to be the kind of friend you need. I don’t promise a lot but what I can promise is to be me with you! Honest, caring and if we make a mistake we can fix together.

I love music, movies, some TV, I enjoy reading, puzzles, and brain puzzles. I write some poems, or just a good thought or two.
I can’t draw, but I love good art.
My goal is to be a better me and to make it one day at a time.

– When you write, your whole name needs to be on the return address and your letter must be limited to 2 pages only, or I won’t get it. Emails are only one way so please leave an address so I can reply back. –

I think of the trees and how
simple they let go, let.
Letting the seasons slip away without grief
unlike us, we can’t let go,
we only go deeper within our roots
causing no renewal like the tree.

How can I do what you say
asked the child, and still be me?
“Look at me”, says the tree.
I bend in the wind, droop in the rain
Yet I always remain myself. A tree.

“Look at me”, said the tree.
I change every season
from green to brown and green again
from bud to flower to fallen leaf.
Yet, I always remain myself,
said the tree.

I can’t love anyone, said the tree.
My Love I have given away
all that I am. The rotins and
the squirrels living on my branches
in my trunk. Moss and lady bugs
perched for the time of my life waiting
and waiting.

Date of Birth: 12/21/1963 (59 years old)
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Divorced
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Race: White
Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or Latino
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Body Type: Large
Hometown: Magnolia, Arkansas (USA)
Spoken Languages: English
Religion: Baptist
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Profile will end on: 12/31/2024

Nikki Zinger #704283

McPherson Unit
302 Corrections Drive
Newport, AR 72112

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@ Prison Email System: Securus Technologies

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Willing to write abroad: Yes

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Incarcerated Since: 1992
Sentence Received: Life Without Parole
Earliest Release: N/A

Click here to see the conviction(s)

1st Degree Murder

All information disclosed in this profile was submitted by the inmate and verified by Wire of Hope to the best extent possible with the search engines available online. The list of convictions disclosed in this profile does not reflect the entire criminal history of the inmate; only the conviction(s) for the current incarceration. To verify and/or get more information about the inmate’s offenses, feel free to use the inmate locators online or to reach out to their prison administration (more information here). Further details about criminal cases can sometimes be found on Google (enter the name of the inmate with their location).
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